Opinion: 2022 - a year of high expectations tempered by dire realities

"After the wave of diplomatic activities in late September – early October 2022, it seemed that the idea of signing a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan by the end of 2022 was more than a dream. However, November – December 2022 proved that pessimists were closer to reality", writes Benyamin Poghosyan in this op-ed.  "After Russia re-inserted itself in the negotiation process by organizing a new trilateral leaders' summit on October 31, 2022, and Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers met in Washington on November 7, 2022; the peace process stalled."

One killed and seven injured in mine incident in Kelbajar

One person was killed and seven injured as a result of an incident involving anti-personnel landmines in the Kelbajar region of Azerbaijan on Wednesday, 14 December. The incident happened in the area around the village of Chirag. According to Azerbaijani media reports four employees of a company engaged in repair and construction works were hit by an anti-personnel mine. Consequently four soldiers who went to the scene to provide assistance also hit a landmine, three of them received various degrees of injuries, and one was killed. The incident has renewed calls for more concerted action to clear the South Caucasus of landmines