Trilateral working group meets in Moscow

On 3 June, the trilateral working group on the opening of regional transport communications met in Moscow.

The group, which is chaired by the deputy prime minister of Armenia, Mher Grigoryan, the deputy prime minister of Russia, Alexei Overchuk, and the deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan, Shahin Mustafa, met for its 10th sitting. The parties exchanged views on their approaches to the border, customs and other types of controls, including the passage of goods and citizens through Armenia and Azerbaijan. 

According to the diplomatic readouts, they also discussed possible highway routes which would serve to connect Azerbaijan with its Nakhchivan exclave. 

The sides agreed to continue their work implementing the agreements reached by the leaders of the Republic of Armenia, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan on unblocking transport links in the region.

Discussing the meeting, the Armenian foreign minister, Ararat Mirzoayn, added that there was a “common perception that all transportation infrastructure, roads and railways to be unblocked should operate under the sovereignty and legislation of the countries through which they pass”.

source: and agencies
photo: Trilateral working groups meets in January; Official website of the Russian government